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Template Filter - pluralize


Add a 's' at the end of the number, if the number is not 1:

{% for x in arr %}
<h1>You have {{ x }} life{{ x|pluralize }} left.</h1>
{% endfor %}
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Definition and Usage

The pluralize filter adds a 's' suffix if the value is not 1.

You can specify another suffix with the suffix argument:


<h1>You have {{ x }} kiss{{ x|pluralize:'es' }} left.</h1>
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For words with different single and plural endings, you can add both by separating them by a comma:


<h1>You have {{ x }} butterfl{{ x|pluralize:'y','ies' }} left.</h1>
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{{ value|pluralize:suffix }}

Template filters are defined by using a pipe | character followed by the name of the filter.

Arguments are defined by using a colon : character followed by the argument value.


Value Description
suffix Optional. The suffix to add to the value.
Default 's'.
For words with different single and plural endings, you can add both by separating them by a comma.