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autoescape Template Tag


Escape variables that contain HTML tags:

{% autoescape off %}
  <h1>{{ heading }}</h1>
{% endautoescape %}
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Definition and Usage

The autoescape tag is used to specify if autoescape is on or off.

If autoescape is on, which is default, HTML code in variables will be escaped.

When escape is on, these characters are escaped:

  • < is converted to &lt;
  • > is converted to &gt;
  • ' is converted to '
  • " is converted to "
  • & is converted to &amp;


With autoescape on, any HTML elements inside variables will be converted according to the list above.

{% autoescape on %}
  <h1>{{ heading }}</h1>
{% endautoescape %}
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{% autoescape on|off %}
{% endautoescape %}


Value Description
on Default. Specifies that the block will be escaped
off Specifies that the block will not be escaped