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if Template Tag


Display a header if the value of the myvar variable is 1:

{% if myvar == 1 %}
{% endif %}
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Definition and Usage

The if tag allows you to write conditional statements.

Use if statements to output a block of code if a condition is true.

You can use else or elif (short for "else if") to specify what to do when the if condition is false.


Display one heading if myvar is 1, and another if myvar is 2:

{% if myvar == 1 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
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Display a third heading if none of the conditions are true:

{% if myvar == 1 %}
{% elif myvar == 2 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
Run Example »


{% if condition %}
{% endif %}


Value Description
condition Required. Anything that evaluates to either true or false.


There are some built-in operators you can use when evaluating if statements:

Variable Description
== is equal to Example »
!= is not equal to Example »
< is less than Example »
<= is less than, or equal to Example »
> is greater than Example »
>= is greater than, or equal to Example »
and condition1 and condition2 must be true Example »
or condition1 or condition2 must be true Example »
in an item must be present in an object Example »
is is the same value as Example »
is not is not the same value as Example »
not in is not in Example »