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jQuery prevAll() Method

❮ jQuery Traversing Methods


Return all previous sibling elements of each <li> element with class name "start":

  $("li.start").prevAll().css({"color": "red", "border": "2px solid red"});


    ul (parent)
  • li (sibling)
  • li (sibling)
  • li (sibling)
  • li (sibling with class name "start")
  • li (sibling)
  • li (sibling)
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Definition and Usage

The prevAll() method returns all previous sibling elements of the selected element.

Sibling elements are elements that share the same parent.

The DOM tree: This method traverse backwards along siblings of DOM elements.

Related methods:

  • prev() - returns the next sibling element of the selected element
  • prevUntil() - returns all next sibling elements between two given arguments



Parameter Description
filter Optional. Specifies a selector expression to narrow down the search for previous siblings

Note: To return multiple siblings, separate each expression with a comma.

Try it Yourself - Examples

Narrow down the search
How to filter the search for previous sibling elements.

Return multiple siblings
How to use the filter parameter to return all siblings of a <h2> element that have class names "first", "second" and "third".

Select all previous sibling elements of a <p> element
How to select all previous sibling elements of a <p> element.

Select all previous sibling <p> elements of <div>
How to select all previous sibling <p> elements of each <div> element.

❮ jQuery Traversing Methods