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Node.js path.join() Method

❮ Path Module


Join several segments into one path:

var path = require('path');

var x = path.join('Users', 'Refsnes', 'demo_path.js');

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Definition and Usage

The path.join() method joins the specified path segments into one path.

You can specify as many path segments as you like.

The specified path segments must be strings, separated by comma.



Parameter Values

Parameter Description
paths Required. Series of path segments to join into one path

Technical Details

Return Value: A String, representing the joined path
Node.js Version: 0.1.16

More Examples


Add a '..' as one of the segments, and the join method will resolve it:

var path = require('path');

var x = path.join('Users', 'Refsnes', '..', 'demo_path.js');

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❮ Path Module