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HTML Audio/Video DOM videoTracks Property

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference


Get the number of available video tracks:

var vid = document.getElementById("myVideo");
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Definition and Usage

The videoTracks property returns a VideoTrackList object.

The VideoTrackList object represents the available video tracks for the video.

Each available video track is represented by an VideoTrack Object.

Browser Support

videoTracks Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported Not supported



Return Value

Type Description
VideoTrackList Object Represents the available video tracks for the video.

VideoTrackList Object:

  • videoTracks.length - get the number of video tracks available in the video
  • videoTracks.getTrackById(id) - get VideoTrack object by id
  • videoTracks[index] - get VideoTrack object by index
  • videoTracks.selectedIndex - get the index of the current VideoTrack object

Note: The first available VideoTrack object is index 0

VideoTrack Object Represents a video track.

VideoTrack Object Properties:

  • id - get the id of the video track
  • kind - get the type of the video track (can be: "alternative", "captions", "main", "sign", "subtitles", "commentary", or "" (empty string)) 
  • label - get the label of the video track
  • language - get the language of the video track
  • selected - get or set if the track is active (true|false)

❮ HTML Audio/Video DOM Reference