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Django Adding Image file

Add an Image File

Adding images files in Django project is done he same way as adding css files or adding js files in Django:

Static files, like css, js, and images, goes in the static folder. If you do not have one, create it in the same location as you created the templates folder:


Add a image file (.png, .jpg, .gif, etc.) in the static folder::


Modify the Template

Now you have a image in the static folder. The next step will be to include this image in a HTML template:

Open the HTML file and add the following:

{% load static %}
<img src="{% static 'pineapple.jpg' %}">

Restart the server for the changes to take effect:

py manage.py runserver



{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>

<img src="{% static 'pineapple.jpg' %}">

Run Example »

Note: For some reason, make sure that DEBUG = True in the settings.py file.