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Google Sheets Sort Sheet By Column

Sort Sheet By Column

Sorting a sheet by column preserves the relation between multiple data columns.

The sort commands can be found in the Data menu.

Note: This method works if your data no headers. If you have headers, look at Sort range.


Sort the Pokemon by their names in ascending order (from A to Z).

Copy the values to follow along.

Copy Values
  1. Select column A by clicking on the letter A in the column bar

  1. Click on the Data menu and select Sort sheet by column A, A → Z

This is the result:

Now all the Pokemon are sorted by their names.

Example (Sort Sheet By Column, Another Way)

This example shows another way to sort Pokemon names in ascending order (from A to Z).

  1. Select column A by clicking on the letter A in the column bar

  1. Click on the drop-down menu next to letter B in the column bar ()

  1. Click on Sort sheet A → Z

This is the result:

Non-Working Example (Sort Sheet By Column with Headers)

Sort the Pokemon by their names in ascending order (from A to Z).

Copy the values to follow along.

Copy Values

Unlike the first example, the data for this example has headers.

Let's see what happens if we sort this data.

  1. Select column A by clicking on the letter A in the column bar

  1. Click on the Data menu and select Sort sheet by column A, A → Z

This is the result:

Notice anything wrong?

The headers are also sorted

This is why sort sheet by colum is not suitable for data with headers.

Note: If you want to sort data with headers, look at Sort range.