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Excel Format Fonts

Format Fonts

You can format fonts in four different ways: color, font name, size and other characteristics.

Font Color

The default color for fonts is black.

Colors are applied to fonts by using the "Font color" function.

How to apply colors to fonts

  1. Select cell
  2. Select font color
  3. Type text

The font color goes for both numbers and text.

The Font color command remembers the color used last time.

Note: Custom colors are applied in the same way for both cells and fonts. You can read more about it in the Apply colors to cells chapter.

Lets try an example, step by step:

  1. Select standard font color Red
  2. Type A1(Hello)
  3. Hit enter
  4. Select standard font color Green
  5. Type B1(World!)
  6. Hit enter

Font Name

The default font in Excel is Calibri.

The font name can be changed for both numbers and text.

Why change the font name in Excel?

  • Make the data easier to read
  • Make the presentation more appealing

How to change the font name:

  1. Select a range
  2. Click the font name drop down menu
  3. Select a font

Let's have a look at an example.

  1. Select A1:C4
  2. Click the font name drop down menu
  3. Select Arial

The example has both text (A1:B1) and numbers (A4:C4)

Good job! You have successfully changed the fonts from Calibri to Arial for the range A1:C4.

Font Size

To change the font size of the font, just click on the font size drop down menu:

Font Characteristics

You can apply different characteristics to fonts such as:

  • Bold
  • Italic
  • Underlined
  • Strike though

The commands can be found below the font name drop down menu:

Bold is applied by either clicking the Bold (B) icon in the Ribbon or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + B or Command + B

Italic is applied by either clicking the Italic (I) icon or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + I or Command + I

Underline is applied by either clicking the Underline (U) icon or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + U or Command + U

Strikethrough is applied by either clicking the Strikethrough (ab) icon or using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + 5 or Command + Shift + X

Chapter Summary

Fonts can be changed in four different ways: color, font name, size and other characteristics. The fonts are changed to make the spreadsheet more readable and delicate.